martes, 6 de febrero de 2007

This is a piece of the furniture of "Duende"place to drink beer, wine, tea or to eat a strange soup with sausage pieces floating. I have just one question.....why? what kind of lamp is that? I was very scared the first time that I saw it, brrr...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Estoy pegaísima con el inglés... pero weno, no sé xq está esa lampara ahí... jaja!
Nada, q mola tu blog, q t lo montas de lujo (envidiaaaa) y q me ha hecho ilusión saber de ti.
Ah! Yo no tngo blog, pero si dos fotologs: (lo he cerrado)

Anónimo dijo...

Haha I remember Duende! I don't know about that lamp though...

Cool you gave me your blog link, you are so lucky you can stay in praha ^_^

Víctor Rodríguez dijo...

yes, this is the most horrible furniture that I never seen in my life but the place is very good. maybe the attractive of the pub is there, hehehe